Register with ILSC today and get free access to IELTS Ready Premium!
Studying for the IELTS Test with IELTS Ready Premium
Register for the IELTS Test now to get Free PreparationBoost your scores with authentic IELTS resources
IELTS Ready Premium offers you a wealth of preparation materials, spanning more than 80 hours. We recommend you book your IELTS test early to boost your English language skills with practice exercises, mock tests and lessons delivered by experts.
Practice all the different question types
Be sure your Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking is at the level you need, with more than 40 practice tests.
Flexible Program of Study
Log in to study at your own schedule and choose the skills you wish to focus on improving.
How do I access IELTS Ready Premium?
IELTS Ready Premium is free and unlimited as soon as you book your test with us. Simply log in to the Test Taker Portal after you have booked and start preparing for your test day now!
Can I study for IELTS with a live Teacher?
ILSC offers the IELTS Mastery Program. Make sure you are ready to do your best on the IELTS Test by getting strategies and feedback from an experienced IELTS Teacher.

IELTS Mastery Program
ILSC Language Schools in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal offer our IELTS Mastery Program which is a focused, intensive preparation program:
- Learn from qualified, experienced IELTS teachers
- Study with a group of students all focused on the same goal
- Target all four IELTS skills and prepare to achieve your target test score
- Access global opportunities for study, work, and immigration
To learn more about, or register for, these IELTS preparation courses or programs, please visit IELTS Programs and Courses at ILSC.
When you are ready to take the test, we have IELTS test centers in greater Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal areas and in Kitchener and Thunder Bay, Ontario.